Cancer nanovaccines as one of immunotherapeutic approaches are able to attack tumors by stimulating tumor-specific immunological responses. However, there still exist multiple challenges to be tackled for cancer nanovaccines to evoke potent antitumor immunity. Particularly, the administration of exogenous materials may cause the off-target immunotherapy responses. In recent years, biomimetic nanovaccines by using cell lysates, cell-derived nanovesicles, or extracted cell membranes as the functional components have received extensive attention. Such nanovaccines based on cell-derived components would show many unique advantages including inherent biocompatibility and the ability to trigger immune responses against a range of tumor-associated antigens. In this review article, we will introduce the recent research progresses of those cell-derived biomimetic nanovaccines for cancer immunotherapy, and discuss the perspectives and challenges associated with the future clinical translation of these emerging vaccine platforms.