The complex nature of manufacturing processes stipulates electrodes to possess high variability with increased heterogeneity during production. X-ray computed tomography imaging has proved to be critical in visualizing the complicated stochastic particle distribution of as-manufactured electrodes in lithium-ion batteries. However, accurate prediction of their electrochemical performance necessitates precise evaluation of kinetic and transport properties from real electrodes. Image segmentation that characterizes voxels to particle/pore phase is often meticulous and fraught with subjectivity owing to a myriad of unconstrained choices and filter algorithms. We utilize a Bayesian convolutional neural network to tackle segmentation subjectivity and quantify its pertinent uncertainties. Otsu inter-variance and Blind/Referenceless Imaging Spatial Quality Evaluator are used to assess the relative image quality of grayscale tomograms, thus evaluating the uncertainty in the derived microstructural attributes. We analyze how image uncertainty is correlated with the uncertainties and magnitude of kinetic and transport properties of an electrode, further identifying pathways of uncertainty propagation within microstructural attributes. The coupled effect of spatial heterogeneity and microstructural anisotropy on the uncertainty quantification of transport parameters is also understood. This work demonstrates a novel methodology to extract microstructural descriptors from real electrode images through quantification of associated uncertainties and discerning the relative strength of their propagation, thus facilitating feedback to manufacturing processes from accurate image based electrochemical simulations.