The specificities of temperature-dependent electrochemical modelling strategies of 18650 Li-ion batteries were investigated in pseudo-2D, 2D and 3D domains using finite element analysis. Emphasis was placed on exploring the challenges associated with the geometric representation of the batteries in each domain, as well as analysing the performance of coupled thermal-electrochemical models. The results of the simulations were compared with real reference measurements, where temperature data were collected using temperature sensors and a thermal camera. It was highlighted that the spiral geometry provides the most realistic results in terms of the temperature distribution, as its layered structure allows for a detailed realisation of the radial heat transfer within the cell. On the other hand, the 3D-lumped thermal model is able to recover the temperature distribution in the axial direction of the cell and to reveal the influence of the cell cap and the cell wall on the thermal behaviour of the cell. The effect of cooling is an important factor that can be introduced in the models as a boundary condition by heat convection or heat flux. It has been shown that both regulated and unregulated (i.e., natural) cooling conditions can be achieved using an appropriate choice of the rate and type of cooling applied.