In the present article, quasi-static and fatigue crack growth in co-consolidated thermoplastic Crack-Lap Shear (CLS) specimens containing two different Crack Arrest Features (CAFs) have been numerically simulated. The substrates have been manufactured from unidirectional T700 carbon fiber reinforced Low-Melt PAEK thermoplastic material. The Friction Stir Spot Welding (RFSSW) and the Induction Low Stir Friction Riveting (ILSFSR) CAFs were studied. Crack growth simulation has been based on the cohesive zone modeling method and has been implemented via the LS-Dyna FE software. Both static and fatigue crack growth models have been successfully validated against results from respective mechanical tests. Both CAFs have been proven capable of delaying crack growth, especially for fatigue loading. An evaluation of various installation parameters of the two features, such as the diameter, the distance to the crack tip, and the installation depth, was performed for the quasi-static loading cases. All parameters have been found to affect the crack stopping efficiency, but the most important effect comes from the diameter of the CAF. Furthermore, a series of quasi-static and fatigue simulations have been run on a mono-stiffener element, representative of an aeronautical structural assembly, in order to evaluate numerically the efficiency of the CAFs at a higher scale. The results showed no crack stopping for the ILSFSR and a low crack stopping for the RFSSW for fatigue loading.