Abstract The integer ambiguity resolution (AR) of the carrier phase is crucial for high-precision positioning. To solve the problem that the three carrier ambiguity resolution method will not be reliable when the observation quality cannot meet the requirement under the kinematic-to-kinematic condition, a novel cascading partial AR method of BeiDou navigation satellite system triple-frequency with inertial aiding for kinematic-to-kinematic relative positioning is proposed. At first, inertial data is utilized to improve the reliability and robustness of the extra wide lane AR in dynamic environments. Meanwhile, to improve the fixed success rate, the wide lane ambiguity is obtained by a linear combination of dual extra wide lane with inertial aiding indirectly. For the most challenging narrow-lane ambiguity, a Geometry-based enhanced mode is individually developed for the model constraint, in which a partial AR method for narrow lane with float solution filtered is designed to improve the fixed success rate under the GB model. Finally, the simulation and practical experiment were conducted to verify the effectiveness of the proposed method. The results show that the proposed method can effectively improve the fixed success rate of ambiguity under the kinematic-to-kinematic conditions, which can reach about 99.54% and achieve cm-level relative positioning in dynamic environments.