The axial piston pump (APP) is being developed towards higher pressure and higher rotational speeds to enhance operational power density. The piston-cylinder friction pair is a critical component of the APP. Due to its lack of self-compensation capability, the leakage of the piston-cylinder friction pair escalates rapidly under increasingly severe wear conditions. An innovative method for predicting the performance degradation and lifespan of APPs based on friction and wear tests has been proposed. This method can effectively predict the performance degradation trends of APPs under different operating conditions. The actual contact force on the piston pair (PP) during operation is determined through dynamic analysis. Friction and wear tests were conducted on 38CrMoAl piston and ZCuPb15Sn8 cylinder materials under various conditions using a testing apparatus. Utilizing friction and wear theory, the volumetric efficiency of APP under various operating conditions was derived as a function of operational time. The reliability of the theoretical analysis was validated through leakage tests on the APP. The results indicate that volumetric efficiency decreases exponentially with increasing working pressure at rated speed. This research provides theoretical guidance and an experimental foundation for the failure prediction of volumetric efficiency degradation in APP.