Abstract Riemann surfaces inspired chemists to design and synthesize such multidimensional curved carbon architectures. It has been predicted that carbon nanosolenoid materials with Riemann surfaces have unique structures and novel physical properties. Here we report the first synthesis of a nitrogen-doped carbon nanosolenoid ( N-CNS ) using bottom-up approach with a well-defined structure. N-CNS was obtained by a rational Suzuki polymerization, followed by oxidative cyclodehydrogenation. The successful synthesis of N-CNS was fully characterized by GPC, FTIR, solid-state 13 C NMR and Raman techniques. The intrinsic single-strand molecular structures of N-CNS helices can be clearly resolved using low-dose integrated differential phase contrast scanning transmission electron microscopy (iDPC-STEM) technique. Possessing unique structural and physical properties, this long π-extended polymer N-CNS can provide new insight towards bottom-up syntheses of curved nanoribbons and potential applications as a metal-free photocatalyst for visible-light-driven H 2 evolution and highly efficient photocatalyst for photoredox organic transformations.