Treatment for urologic cancers often includes major oncologic procedures and surgeries with a risk of complications, especially in older and frail patients. The aim of prehabilitation programs is to optimize perioperative functional status in the hope of improving postoperative outcomes and preventing deconditioning. Mobile applications (mHealth) and wearable devices are being integrated into home-based prehabilitation programs. These not only encourage physical activity but also monitor health data in the perioperative period. This narrative review highlights current uses and the future role of mHealth and wearable devices for prehabilitation in patients with urologic cancers, particularly in the preoperative setting. Patient summary Prehabilitation programs can help patients in preparing for surgery and improve their postoperative recovery. Mobile apps and wearable devices can play a role in home-based programs. We review the use of these tools for patients for whom surgery for a urological cancer is planned.