Xiuyu Zhang,Yuehang Liu,Xinkai Chen,Zhi Li,Chun-Yi Su
Flexible smart material actuators, such as dielectric elastomer actuators (DEA) and ionic polymer metal composites, have shown greatly potential applications in the field of soft biomimetic robots and rehabilitation robots due to their human-like muscle softness, large stretch, and high energy density characteristics. In this article, a fuzzy logic system (FLS) and barrier Lyapunov function (BLF) based adaptive pseudoinverse control scheme is proposed for a class of state-constrained hysteretic nonlinear systems, where all the states are always strictly limited in each constrained set. The main features of this article are: 1) the hysteresis nonlinearity in the actuators is considered and mitigated by the proposed pseudoinverse control algorithms, which implies that the direct hysteresis inverse model is not required, instead a searching mechanism of the actual control signal from the temporary control signal; 2) the all-state-constrained control problem of the Preisach hysteresis model is overcome when the control signal is coupled in the double integral functions with the aid of an FLS, BLFs, and the proposed hysteresis pseudoinverse algorithms; and 3) the DEA-based motion control platform is constructed, and the experiments are conducted to validate the effectiveness of our proposed control scheme.