Summary In the research on seismic attenuation, the estimation of the quality factor Q-values is a crucial issue. The key to estimating Q-values from reflection seismic data lies in whether these effects can be eliminated, that is, whether scattering and absorption can be separated (the decoupling of reflectivity sequence and wavelet). Gao et al. (2017) introduced a method called Compressive Operator Mapping (COM), which effectively addresses this issue. Building upon the COM framework and integrating the LSR method, we propose a new approach named LSR-COM for Q-values estimation on reflection seismic data. The method comprises the following steps: (1) Windowing the reflection seismic data based on reference and receiver times (window length greater than the wavelet length); (2) Applying the COM method to extract the wavelet amplitude spectrum in each window; (3) Employing the LSR method to estimate Q-values for the corresponding wavelets in the window. Synthetic and field data examples verify the effectiveness of the proposed method.