Conservation and sustainable management efforts in tropical forests often lack reliable, effective, and easily-communicated ways to measure the biodiversity status of a protected or managed landscape. The sounds that many tropical species make can be recorded by pre-programmed devices and analysed to yield measures of biodiversity. Interpreting the resulting soundscapes has developed along two paths: analysing the whole soundscape using acoustic indices, used as a proxy of biodiversity, or focusing on individual species that can be either manually or automatically recognized from the soundscape. Here we develop an intermediate approach to divide the soundscape into frequency categories belonging to broad taxonomic groups of vocalizing animals. While the method was unable to distinguish between amphibian and mammal communities, it was successful in assigning parts of the soundscape as likely produced by birds and insects. Applying the approach in Borneo revealed that, with increasing land use intensity, i) the spectral saturation of the soundscape, a proxy of species richness, loses dawn and dusk peaks, ii) bird acoustic communities lose recurrent diurnal patterns, becoming less synchronized across sites, and that iii) insect Soundscape Saturation increases at night. If soundscapes are partitioned similarly in different regions, our method could be used to bridge soundscape-level and individual-species level analyses. Regaining dawn and dusk peaks, the synchrony of bird acoustic communities, and losing nocturnal dominance of insect could be used as a set of simple indicators of tropical forest retaining high levels of biodiversity.