Statistical analysis was carried out to study the sequential aspects of amino acids around the O-glycosylated Ser/Thr. 992 sequences containing O-glycosylated Ser/Thr were selected from the O-GLYCBASE database of O-glycosylated proteins. The frequency of occurrence of amino acid residues around the glycosylated Ser/Thr revealed that there is an increased number of proline residues around the O-glycosylation sites in comparison with the nonglycosylated serine and threonine residues. The deviation parameter calculated as a measure of preferential and nonpreferential occurrence of amino acid residues around the glycosylation site shows that Pro has the maximum preference around the O-glycosylation site. Pro at +3 and/or -1 positions strongly favors glycosylation irrespective of single and multiple glycosylation sites. In addition, serine and threonine are preferred around the multiple glycosylation sites due to the effect of clusters of closely spaced glycosylated Ser/Thr. The preference of amino acids around the sites of mucin-type glycosylation is found likely to be similar to that of the O-glycosylation sites when taken together, but the acidic amino acids are more preferred around Ser/Thr in mucin-type glycosylation when compared totally. Aromatic amino acids hinder O-glycosylation in contrast to N-glycosylation. Cysteine and amino acids with bulky side chains inhibit O-glycosylation. The preference of certain potential sequence motifs of glycosylation has been discussed.