Glucose tolerance tests (GTTs), hemoglobin A1 levels and pup weithts were studied in both normal (C57SLtKsJ-+m/+m) and heterozygous (C57BL/KsJ:db+/+m) mics There was no difference in GTT or hemoglobin A1 levels between heterozygotes and normal animals in nonpregnant state. However, the pregnant heterozygous mouse had significantly GTTs (P < 0.001) and hemoglobin A1 levels (P < 0.002) when compared to the normal pregnant mouse. The mean weight of pups from heterozygous was significantly greater than that of pups from the normal parents (p < 0.0005). Beacause the heterozygous mouse (C578BL/KsJ-db+/+m)exhibits these characteristics of gestational diabetes, it may be possible to use it as an animal model of gestational diabetes. (Am. J. Obstet. GYNECOL. 141:479, 1981.)