Background: Quality of life (QoL) is an emerging general parameter of patients’ wellbeing. It is a multifactorial concept consisting of individual perception of physical, psychological and social functioning. Hirsutism is a common disorder of excess growth of hair in an androgen-dependent male distribution in women. Hirsutism in women results in significant psychological and social problems. It impacts negatively upon the QoL of women and is the cause of stress, anxiety and depression.
Aim of the study: To investigate the effect of hirsutism on QoL of hirsute women.
Patients and methods: One hundred female patients with hirsutism over the age of eighteen years were enrolled in this study. Each woman was asked to fill a self-report questionnaire.
Results: The results of this study showed that not only the QoL, but also the self-related health status are seriously affected by the level of hirsutism in women. The higher the level of hirsutism, the worse the QoL, measured by DLQI. Hirsutism has a great negative impact on QoL in women and causes psycho-logical problems. Psychological or psychiatric treatment has been suggested for this group of patients. However, according to our results the outcome of QoL, anxiety and depression level is significantly associated with the level of hairiness. So it is more appropriate to offer effective medical treatment for hirsutism than to just offer psychotherapy and refer the women back to selftreatment.
Conclusion: We can conclude that hirsutism has a great negative impact on QoL in women as QoL, anxiety and depression level is significantly associated with the level of hairiness. Although hirsutism is not a serious or life threatening disease, it produces social, psychological and emotional disability, it is more appropriate to offer effective medical treatment for hirsutism plus psychotherapy.