X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and x-ray-induced Auger electron spectroscopy were used to analyze untreated Li1.2Ni0.15Co0.1Mn0.55O2 powder obtained from TODA America. X-ray photoelectron and x-ray-induced Auger electron spectra were obtained using incident monochromatic Al Kα radiation at 0.834 01 nm. A survey spectrum together with Ni 2p, Co 2p, Mn 2p, Ni LMM, O 1s, C 1s, Ni 3s, Co 3s, Mn 3s, Ni 3p, Co 3p, Li 1s, and Mn 3p are presented. The spectra indicate the principal core level photoelectron and Auger electron signals. Making use of the O 1s, Ni 3p, Co 3p, Mn 3p, and Li 1s lines and neglecting the components related to surface contaminants, XPS quantitative analysis reveals an altered stoichiometry of the air-exposed powder surface of Li1.2Ni0.4Co0.2Mn0.9O2.8.