We aim to assess whether the docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)-containing lipid emulsion (LE) SMOFlipid 20% (Fresenius Kabi Canada Ltd) is associated with bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD)-free survival at 36 weeks' postmenstrual age in very preterm infants.This cohort study is nested in the MOBYDIck randomized clinical trial (NCT02371460), which investigated the effect of maternal DHA supplementation on BPD-free survival in breastfed very preterm infants born between 23 0/7 and 28 6/7 weeks' gestation in 16 Canadian neonatal intensive care units (2015-2018). Parenteral SMOF-LE was given to the infants according to the sites' routine care protocols. Relative risks (RRs) were estimated using a modified Poisson regression model with generalized estimating equations taking into account recruitment site, multiple birth, DHA supplementation, birth weight, sex, and gestational age.Among 528 infants (mean gestational age, 26.5 weeks [SD, 1.6]), 272 received SMOF-LE. Overall, 56.7% of the infants in the SMOF-LE group and 59.7% infants in the non-SMOF-LE group survived without BPD (adjusted RR, 0.94 [95% CI, 0.77-1.14]; P = 0.51). BPD rates were 39.3% in the SMOF-LE group vs 34.1% in the non-SMOF-LE group (adjusted RR, 1.10 [95% CI, 0.82-1.47]; P = 0.53). Severe BPD rates were 31.8% in the SMOF-LE group vs 28.8% in the non-SMOF-LE group (adjusted P = 0.59). Mortality was not significantly different between the SMOF-LE (6.7%) and non-SMOF-LE groups (9.5%; adjusted P = 0.40).In very preterm infants, intravenous DHA-containing SMOF-LE during the neonatal period was not associated with BPD-free survival.