This paper reports on the ethyl acetate (EA) removal over a honeycomb catalyst using an experimental design methodology. A mathematical model based on the response surface methodology is developed to evaluate the effect of parameters such as specific input energy (SIE), humidity, and EA concentration on the response variables (i.e., removal and energy efficiency). A set of experiments based on a statistical three-level full-factorial design of the experimental method were performed to collect the removal data. The model (R12 = 0.9858 and R22 = 0.9305 for removal and energy efficiency, respectively) indicates a satisfactory correlation between the experimental and predicted values. The analysis results using the model show that SIE is the principal parameter affecting the EA removal. Besides, verification of the experimental results indicates that the EA removal of 90.93% and the energy efficiency of 2.91g.kWh−1 at 235 J L-1, 1.5%, and 30.3 ppm were achieved under optimal conditions.