Vehicular networks promise features such as traffic management, route scheduling, data exchange, entertainment, and much more. With any large-scale technological integration comes the challenge of providing security. Blockchain technology has been a popular choice of many studies for making the vehicular network more secure. Its characteristics meet some of the essential security requirements such as decentralization, transparency, tamper-proof nature, and public audit. This study catalogues some of the notable efforts in this direction over the last few years. We analyze around 75 blockchain-based security schemes for vehicular networks from an application, security, and blockchain perspective. The application perspective focuses on various applications which use secure blockchain-based vehicular networks such as transportation, parking, data sharing/ trading, and resource sharing. The security perspective focuses on security requirements and attacks. The blockchain perspective focuses on blockchain platforms, blockchain types, and consensus mechanisms used in blockchain implementation. We also compile the popular simulation tools used for simulating blockchain and for simulating vehicular networks. Additionally, to give the readers a broader perspective of the research area, we discuss the role of various state-of-the-art emerging technologies in blockchain-based vehicular networks. Lastly, we summarize the survey by listing out some common challenges and the future research directions in this field.