Financial time series are chaotic that, in turn, leads their predictability to be complex and challenging. This paper presents a novel financial time series prediction hybrid that involves Chaos Theory, Convolutional neural network (CNN), and Polynomial Regression (PR). The financial time series is first checked in this hybrid for the presence of chaos. The chaos in the series of times is later modeled using Chaos Theory. The modeled time series is input to CNN to obtain initial predictions. The error series obtained from CNN predictions is fit by PR to get error predictions. The error predictions and initial predictions from CNN are added to obtain the final predictions of the hybrid model. The effectiveness of the proposed hybrid (Chaos+CNN+PR) is tested by using three types of Foreign exchange rates of financial time series (INR/USD, JPY/USD, SGD/USD), commodity prices (Gold, Crude Oil, Soya beans), and stock market indices (S&P 500, Nifty 50, Shanghai Composite). The proposed hybrid is superior to Auto-regressive integrated moving averages (ARIMA), Prophet, Classification and Regression Tree (CART), Random Forest (RF), CNN, Chaos+CART, Chaos+RF and Chaos+CNN in terms of MSE, MAPE, Dstat, and Theil's U.