In recent years, conventional concepts of social reform planning for sustainable, safe and disaster-resilient communities have continuously driven the thought and practice of community planning and management; furthermore, environmental safety has become the common foundation of these visionary community models. Additionally, low birth rates and aging populations have become common social problems in numerous developed countries. This study integrated the design and planning of sustainable, disaster-resilient and intergenerational collective communities to develop factors and models of an intergenerational community. Moreover, this study constructed evaluation indicators for intergenerational communities under a safety basis, which were used as the foundation for planning and designing strategies. The system of intergenerational disaster-resilient collective community planning indicators covers 5 dimensions and 26 indicators, which focuses primarily on the establishment of community safety mechanisms and physical and mental health care for residents, including intergenerational community interactivity, provision of education and employment opportunities, provision of health and medical services, along with environmental and ecological conservation and maintenance management. By reconstructing the communication and economic model of communities as a whole, establishing community disaster management awareness and mechanisms on this basis is essential to facilitate their progress toward sustainable development. Through this framework of indicators, we aim to provide communities with a reference for future transformations in response to societal shifts.