Physicochemical properties of bread dough added with silkpeptide were investigated. Protein content of silkpeptide was 90.83%. In amino acid analysis, glycine content was highest at 18,760.04 mg%. Alanine, serine, and tyrosine contents were much higher in silkpeptide flour than wheat flour. Mixed silkpeptide showed low lightness and redness values and high yellowness. Farinograph water absorption decreased as silkpeptide content increased. Both arrival and development times of silkpeptide-added dough were longer than those of wheat flour, As silkpeptide content increased, degree of weakness increased, Maximum viscosity of amylograph decreased gradually with addition of silkpeptide, while gelatinization temperature was not affected. Extensograph showed extensibility and resistance to extension of dough increased, while ratio of resistence to extensibility highly increased with increasing amount of silkpeptide. Silkpeptide added to bread dough showed oxidation effect, indication that it could be used as natural additive for improving bread dough quality.