A empts at circumscribing a peculiar condi on encompassing heart and kidney dysfunc on date back to the early nineteenth century .The term "cardio-renal syndrome" (CRS) first appeared in the medical literature around the early 2000s and, since then, has garnered exponen al growth.As of January 4 th , 2023, 2,497 papers dealing with this syndrome have been published.The prevailing view of CRS (1) envisions this en ty as a cluster of five subtypes where concomitant cardiovascular and kidney diseases are characterized based on the chronology of their appearance.In brief, acute (subtype 1) or chronic (subtype 2) kidney diseases are triggered by and follow heart disease or vice versa (subtypes 3-4), while in subtype 5, a systemic condi on -e.g.sepsis or diabetes-causes simultaneous heart and kidney dysfunc ons.Even though this comprehensive classifica on is widely accepted and recurrent in the literature, different views of cardio-renal problems exist (2) (3).