Aluminum and its alloys have been widely used in our lives. However, Aluminum and its alloys is prone to corrosion, especially in harsh environment. In recent years, hydrophobic coatings were used in the corrosion protection of metal. But, the low surface tension of resins made them have a worse wettability on metal which had high surface tension, resulting in a worse adhesion of these coatings. Herein, we developed a long-lasting anti-corrosion direct-to-metal polyurethane NP-Glide coating based on the coordination effect of polyphenol and dual cross-linking. In comparative evaluation, the corrosion protection and anti-contamination performances of direct-to-metal polyurethane NP-Glide coating are significantly improved by the introduction of functional monomer dopamine methacrylamide (DMA) and TEMAc-8. The PU coatings with 10 wt% TEMAc-8 possesses high impedance value (|Z|