In order to clarify the reasons for the emergence of problems such as high machining difficulty and poor machining surface quality encountered in the machining process of SiCp/Al composites, this paper presents a simulation study of the deformation mechanism occurring during the cutting process of SiCp/Al (SiC particle-reinforced Al matrix composites) by using the molecular dynamics (MD) method. The mechanism of strengthening and hardening occurring during cutting of SiCp/Al composites is discussed in terms of the slip expansion of dislocations and the interaction between different types of dislocations. It is found that the presence of SiC balls hinders the slip and expansion of dislocations in the Al (aluminum) matrix, resulting in the strengthening of the Al matrix between the SiC (silicon carbide) balls, mainly because the dislocations in the workpiece interact with each other during the cutting process to form dislocation tangles, stacking layer dislocations and dislocation locks, which hinder the slip and expansion of dislocations and thus increase the strength of the Al matrix. By analyzing the stress distribution inside the workpiece during the cutting process, it is found that the stress inside the workpiece is mainly concentrated in the area where the tool flank face is in contact with the workpiece, which is the main reason for the occurrence of working hardening in SiCp/Al composites.