Karan Chohan,Radhika Bansal,Matthew Hathcock,Jonas Paludo,N. Nora Bennani,Patrick B. Johnston,Arushi Khurana,Urshila Durani,Yucai Wang,Michael W. Ruff,José C. Villasboas,Stephen M. Ansell,Yi Lin,Saad S. Kenderian
Click to increase image sizeClick to decrease image size AcknowledgementsNone to note.Author contributionsK.L.C and S.S.K designed the study, analyzed, and interpreted the data, and wrote the manuscript. R.B, M.A.H., J.P, N.N.B., P.B.J., A.K., U.D., Y.W., M.W.R., J.C.V.B., S.M.A., and Y.L. interpreted the data and assisted in writing the manuscript. All authors approved of the final manuscript.Disclosure statementS.S.K. is inventor on patents in the CAR-T cell field that are licensed to Novartis (through an agreement between Mayo Clinic, University of Pennsylvania, and Novartis), Humanigen (through Mayo Clinic), Mettaforge (through Mayo Clinic), and MustangBio (through Mayo Clinic). SSK has received funding from Novartis, Kite/Gilead, Juno/BMS, Lentigen, Humanigen, Tolero, Morphosys, Sunesis, and Viracta. S.S.K. has participated in scientific advisory board meetings with Kite/Gilead, Novartis, BMS, and Humanigen. S.S.K. has participated in DSMB meetings with Humanigen. S.S.K. has participated in consulting activities with Novartis, Torque and Calibr. All remaining authors have no competing interests to declare.Data availability statementData is available by request to the corresponding author.Additional informationFundingThe author(s) reported there is no funding associated with the work featured in this article.