The contribution analysis of different electron transfer pathways to CH4 production was investigated in bioelectrochemical anaerobic digestion (BEAD). It demonstrates that the indirect interspecies electron transfer (IIET) pathway and the direct interspecies electron transfer (DIET) pathways contributed to 41.7 % and 58.3 % of the CH4 production in the BEAD reactor, respectively. The DIET pathway was further divided into DIET via electrode (eDIET) and biological DIET (bDIET) in the bulk solution, and contributed 11.1 % and 47.2 % of CH4 production, respectively. This indicates that the dominant electron transfer pathway for CH4 production is from the bulk solution, rather than on the polarized electrode. The electroactive microorganisms were well enriched in the bulk solution by the electric field generated between anode and cathode. The enriched electroactive microorganisms significantly improved the CH4 production in the bulk solution through the bDIET pathway.