Purpose Residing in a densely populated urban area possesses its allure; nonetheless, it can significantly impact physical and mental well-being owing to the persistent stress and information overload inherent in urban settings. This study aims to introduce a neuro-urbanism framework that can guide urban planners and designers in quantitatively evaluating individuals' responses to virtual simulated environments. Design/methodology/approach Our study consisted of two phases after randomly selecting six locations representing three types of urban areas in Bratislava, Slovakia: urban spaces, urban streets, and public parks. First, we conducted a Mentimeter live polling (dialogic survey fusion), followed by an experiment involving volunteer participants from the Slovak University of Technology. This experiment employed an electroencephalogram (EEG) with virtual reality headsets to virtually explore participants' responses to the selected locations. Findings The EEG signal analysis revealed significant differences in relaxation levels across the selected locations in this study. Urban streets with commercial activities promote mental well-being more effectively than public parks, challenging the preconception that restorative environments are exclusively confined to public parks. Originality/value The results demonstrate a replicable neuro-urbanism framework comprising three distinct stages: problem-based technology rooted in neuroscience, experimental setup and deliverables, and identification of restorative environments.