Abstract It is of necessity and importance for the development of a real-time visualization and simulation platform for the lead-cooled fast reactor in order to provide a better learning and research platform for technicians. In this research, a visualization platform for the primary loop system of medium-sized modular lead-cooled fast reactor M2LFR-1000 has been developed based on Generic Platform Interface ICoCo and Qt framework, relying on the system code Relap5. The simulation code used in the visualization platform is first wrapped by the generic platform interface ICoCo (Interface for Code Coupling) and then compiled to a shared library. A multithreading C++ script is developed as the supervisor, which supervises the system code Relap5 and realizes the control of real-time simulation. The graphical man-machine interface of the platform is developed by a set of UI elements provided by Qt Widgets Module. The communication between simulation code and GUI is performed with the signals and slots mechanism, which requires a Qt’s C++ extension developed as the meta-object compiler (moc). Via the actual operation by the visualization and simulation platform, the results verify that the platform can realize the real-time simulation and control of the primary loop system of M2LFR-1000 and provide a practical means of real-time monitoring and regulation of reactor operations for technicians.