Cytogenetic analysis of chromosome aberrations (CAs) and sister chromatid exchanges (SCEs) was performed in 109 blood samples from 95 pediatric patients with urinary tract infections (UTIs). Children were exposed to diagnostic levels of X-rays during voiding cystourethrography and subsequently treated for one to 12 months with low doses of furagin - N-(5-nitro-2-furyl)-allylidene-1-aminohydantoin. Furagin is 2-substituted 5-nitrofuran, chemically and structurally similar to well-known antibacterial compound nitrofurantoin. Increased frequencies of CAs were found in children undergoing voiding cystourethrography as compared with the unexposed, acentric fragments being the most frequent alteration (2.03 versus 0.88 per 100 cells, P=0.006). However, a significant decrease in the frequency of acentric fragments was determined with the time elapsed since X-ray examination was performed. A time-independent increase in SCE frequency was found in lymphocytes of children treated with furagin. Total CA frequency did not differ significantly between groups of children with various duration of furagin treatment. However, frequency of chromatid exchanges (triradials and quadriradials) increased significantly with duration of treatment.