Sized fractions of x = 0.6, 0.4, 0.2 and 0.0 titanomagnetites were studied with a vibration magnetometer. In the course particles (d > 150 μm), no compositional dependence of hysteresis parameters was found. HC was less than 50 Oe, HR/HC > 4 and JR/JS < 10−2, reflecting multi-domain behaviour. In contrast, fine particles (d ⋍ 0.1 μm) revealed systematic grain-size dependence of parameters with coercive force as high as 2,000 Oe in x = 0.6 titanomagnetite. Grain-size dependence studies revealed broad transition sizes for the onset of true multi-domain behaviour depending upon which factor is chosen. In magnetite it varies from 10 to 20 μm. The experimental critical size for single-domain behaviour for magnetite is about 0.1 μm and for x = 0.6 titanomagnetite 1–2 μm.