Depression rates among Arab adolescents are expected to rapidly increase necessitating research-based data to aid in planning effective strategies to implement primary prevention and treatment interventions. The current study aimed to capture Jordanian adolescents' experience of depression, identify perceived contributing factors, and assess their attitudes toward depression interventions. An exploratory, qualitative design was used to collect data from 92 participants (age range = 14 to 17) through 12 focus groups. Two main analytical themes and related subthemes were identified. The first theme focused on participants' perceived mental health status, Being a Depressed Adolescent , with two related subthemes: Symptom Profiles and Feelings of Uncertainty and Perceived Roots of Depression . The second theme focused on the experience of Living With Depression and encapsulated two subthemes: Seeking Supportive Resources and Escaping From Labeling . The study revealed gender differences in the recognition of depression symptoms, willingness to seek care, the ability to communicate symptoms, expectations of care, and views on the best sources of help. For girls and boys, the fear of being labeled as mentally ill contributes to poor engagement in, adherence to, and use of mental health services. A comprehensive approach that considers Arab adolescents' beliefs, attitudes, and experiences in conjunction with the family and social context is needed to address the burden of adolescent depression in Arab nations. [ Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Services, 57 (10), 34–43.]