Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs) are visible in occupational areas around the world. However, preventions and interventions on this area were not given so much priority. This study aims to simulate the computer-related workplace and identify the acceptable torso angle. This study also aims to validate the model that was developed by the researchers through this simulation. To simulate, the researchers used Jack Simulation Software and the results show that adjusting the torso angles give impacts in the comfort of the user. During the simulation, reclining the torso of small body frame by 6.5 and 6.9 degrees for large body frame, shows comfort in all areas of the body. To validate the result of the simulation, the researchers developed a model that identifies the proper sitting posture in a computer-related workplace. The study utilized accelerometer sensors and it has been found out that the three (3) important points in the spine are thoracic, Thoraco-lumbar and lumbar angle can recognize comfort in the musculoskeletal system. This study was also able to establish relationship between the human's body frame and his/her comfort in sitting posture.