Anisotropic plasmonic metals have attracted significant attention in enhancing the catalytic performance of catalysts due to their broad light-harnessing capabilities and active hot electrons; however, limited investigations have been dedicated towards improving their electrochemical reaction performance in the visible and near infrared (NIR) regions. Herein, anisotropic Pt-edged Au nanodisks (NDs) were synthesized by controlling the preferential loading of Pt and used as catalysts for plasmon-enhanced electrochemical methanol oxidation reactions (MORs) under visible-NIR light irradiation by, and the light-enhanced electric current over the Pt-edged Au NDs was found to be 3-fold higher than that under dark conditions. Wavelength-dependent electric current over the Pt-edged Au NDs for the MOR in the visible-NIR light region demonstrates that the light-induced enhancement of the electric current is due to surface plasmon resonance (SPR) of the Au NDs. Furthermore, plasmonic hot electron transfer was studied by the single-particle photoluminescence images and spectra of Au NDs and Pt-Au NDs, and the dipole surface plasmon resonance (DSPR) mode was proved to be the main channel for hot electron transfer. During the electrochemical reaction under visible-NIR light irradiation, a plasmonic hot electron is transferred to the electrode, and a "hot hole" is left on the surface, boosting the MOR.