Deep learning technology has been widely used in fault diagnosis for chemical processes. However, most deep learning technologies currently adopted only use a single network stack or a certain network stack with multilayer perceptron (MLP) behind it. Compared with traditional fault diagnosis technologies, this method has made progress in both the diagnosis accuracy and speed, but due to the limited performance of a single network, the accuracy or speed cannot meet the requirements to the greatest extent. In order to overcome such problems, this article proposes a fault diagnosis method using deep learning multimodel fusion. Different from previous deep learning diagnosis methods, this method uses long short-term memory (LSTM) and convolutional neural network (CNN) to extract features separately. The extracted features are then fused and MLP is taken as the input for further feature compression and extraction, and finally the diagnosis results will be obtained. LSTM has long-term memory capabilities, the extracted features have temporal characteristics, and CNNs have a good effect on the extraction of spatial features. The proposed method integrates these two aspects for diagnosis such that the features finally extracted by the network have both spatial and temporal characteristics, thereby improving the network's diagnostic performance. Finally, a TE chemical process and an industrial coking furnace process are taken for simulation testing. It is proved that the performance of this method is superior to existing deep learning fault diagnosis methods with simple sequential stacking for unilateral feature extraction.