<p><strong>A new species of <em>Podosphaera</em> sect. <em>Sphaerotheca</em> subsect. <em>Magnicellulatae</em> from India and a key to all species reported on <em>Fabaceae</em></strong></p>
Podosphaera thermopsidicola, a new sexual morph form of powdery mildew was discovered on living leaves of Thermopsis barbata Benth. (Fabaceae). It is described, illustrated and compared with other Podosphaera species reported on Fabaceae. The phylogeny of this species has been inferred from partial nuclear ribosomal 28S large subunit (LSU) and internal transcribed spacer (ITS) rDNA sequence data. On the basis of LSU, P. thermopsidicola represents characteristic feature of Podosphaera s. str. Phylogenetically, P. thermopsidicola is closer to P. erigerontis-canadensis but differs in having larger chasmothecia, longer appendages, thick-walled asci, smaller oculi and smaller ascospores.