Hydrogen peroxide is a key substance in the appearance of life and maintenance of the life-supporting conditions on the Earth. Electron transfer processes between H2O2 and various reducers are of major interest for the environment, natural life, technology, etc. An overview of structure, proprieties and main reactions of hydrogen peroxide in model and real systems is presented. The authors try to find the answers to the following questions: why this substance has the unique and specific dual reduction-oxidation properties, what is the connection between its structure and reactions, what role it plays in the catalytic reduction processes occurring in the natural environment and technological systems, accompanied by the formation of intermediate compounds, active radicals, complete and partial charge transfer complexes, etc. The thermodynamic possibility of the synchronous two-electron transfer during the inner sphere reaction with the involvement of metal ion complexes capable of changing the valence by two units is discussed. The role of the partial charge transfer structures which combine the properties of the initial reagents and the expected reaction products is demonstrated. Such complexes can be decomposed both reversibly and irreversibly. In case when the single-electron transfer is thermodynamically preferable, the main oxidizing particle is OH-radical, capable to interact non-selectively with almost all the water-soluble organic substances. Special attention is paid to the photo initiation of peroxidase transformation processes. The results of our multi-annual research of these issues are reported.