Standard management options for rosacea: The 2019 update by the National Rosacea Society Expert Committee
Diane Thiboutot,R. Rox Anderson,Fran Cook-Bolden,Zoe Diana Draelos,Richard L. Gallo,Richard D. Granstein,Sewon Kang,Marian S. Macsai,Linda Stein Gold,Jerry Tan
In 2017, a National Rosacea Society Expert Committee developed and published an updated classification of rosacea to reflect current insights into rosacea pathogenesis, pathophysiology, and management. These developments suggest that a multivariate disease process underlies the various clinical manifestations of the disorder. The new system is consequently based on phenotypes that link to this process, providing clear parameters for research and diagnosis as well as encouraging clinicians to assess and treat the disorder as it may occur in each individual. Meanwhile, a range of therapies has become available for rosacea, and their roles have been increasingly defined in clinical practice as the disorder has become more widely recognized. This update is intended to provide a comprehensive summary of management options, including expert evaluations, to serve as a guide for tailoring treatment and care on an individual basis to achieve optimal patient outcomes. In 2017, a National Rosacea Society Expert Committee developed and published an updated classification of rosacea to reflect current insights into rosacea pathogenesis, pathophysiology, and management. These developments suggest that a multivariate disease process underlies the various clinical manifestations of the disorder. The new system is consequently based on phenotypes that link to this process, providing clear parameters for research and diagnosis as well as encouraging clinicians to assess and treat the disorder as it may occur in each individual. Meanwhile, a range of therapies has become available for rosacea, and their roles have been increasingly defined in clinical practice as the disorder has become more widely recognized. This update is intended to provide a comprehensive summary of management options, including expert evaluations, to serve as a guide for tailoring treatment and care on an individual basis to achieve optimal patient outcomes.