Odontoid fractures constitute the most common cervical spine fracture in the population aged. The optimal management strategy for odontoid fractures remains controversial, especially in the elderly, because of the high morbidity and mortality with both conservative and operative intervention. This review discusses the management of odontoid fractures among the elderly, with a focus on the various treatment options and their outcomes.齿状突骨折是老年人颈椎骨折的常见类型。对于老年人Ⅰ型和Ⅲ型齿状突骨折多主张保守治疗,而对于老年人Ⅱ型齿状突骨折的治疗尚缺未形成共识,且发生骨折不愈合的概率较高。本文结合国内外相关文献,对老年人齿状突骨折的病理基础、治疗方式的选择及预后等问题进行综述。.