Abstract In this paper, a micro-strip fed slot antenna array for application in the 2.4GHz industrial, scientific and medical(ISM) band is implemented using the Ansoft HFSS software. Standard formulas are used to calculate different antenna parameters. The proposed antenna is designed to work at 2.4GHz frequency band. A half power beam width(HPBW) of 57°. A bandwidth of around 7.7% is attained. This may have been brought about by poor impedance matching and a high level of surface waves. A way of improving the bandwidth would have been to use proximity coupling feeding method which offers the highest bandwidth and is somewhat easy to model and has low spurious radiation. However, its fabrication would have been more difficult. A directivity of 2.01 dB is achieved. This is a fairly high though directivity increase could have been studied through use of different substrate material and thickness. Adjusting length and width of narrow slot loop antenna will influence on the resonance frequency and bandwidth. By using HFSS software, the characteristics of antenna are investigated and analyzed, including voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR), return loss and far field radiation patterns.