Background Research on coronary heart disease (CHD) remains one of the major concerns in the medical and health fields in recent decades, yet data on the circumstances of CHD are unsatisfying. We aimed to evaluate the situations and trends of the most cited articles in CHD via bibliometric approaches. Methods and results The Web of Science database was used to identify the 100 most cited articles concerning CHD. General and bibliometric information was collected and analyzed. The total citations ranged from 7829 to 1157. Clinical trial was the largest proportion in article type while risk factor was the most preferred study content. The New England Journal of Medicine published the most T100 articles (n = 31), followed by Lancet (n = 21), Circulation (n = 19) and JAMA (n = 12). The USA and UK were the leading countries in the field of CHD, and contributed enormously in combating CHD. Conclusions This study presented a detailed analysis of the 100 most cited articles focused on CHD in recent decades, which provides insights into the circumstances and trends in preventing and treating CHD.