Mammalian cell logic gates hold great potential for wide-ranging applications. However, most of those currently available are controlled by drug(-like) molecules with inherent biological activities. To construct truly orthogonal circuits and artificial regulatory pathways, biologically inert molecules are ideal molecular switches. Here, we applied genetic code expansion and engineered logic gates controlled by two biologically inert unnatural amino acids. Genetic code expansion relies on orthogonal aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase/tRNA pairs for co-translational and site-specific unnatural amino acid incorporation conventionally in response to an amber (UAG) codon. By screening 11 quadruplet-decoding pyrrolysyl tRNA variants from the literature, we found that all variants decoding CUAG or AGGA tested here are functional in mammalian cells. Using a quadruplet-decoding orthogonal pair together with an amber-decoding pair, we constructed logic gates that can be successfully controlled by two different unnatural amino acids, expanding the scope of genetic code expansion and mammalian cell logic circuits.