Abstract A multivariate extension of the adaptive exponentially weighted moving average (AEWMA) control chart is proposed. The new multivariate scheme can detect small and large shifts in the process mean vector effectively. The proposed scheme can be viewed as a smooth combination of a multivariate exponentially weighted moving average (MEWMA) chart and a Shewhart χ2-chart. The optimal design of the proposed chart is given according to a pre-specified in-control average run length and two shift sizes; a small and large shift each measured in terms of the non centrality parameter. The signal resistance of the newly proposed multivariate chart is also given. Comparisons among the new chart, the MEWMA chart, and the combined Shewhart-MEWMA (S-MEWMA) chart in terms of the standard and worst-case average run length profiles are presented. In addition, the three charts are compared with respect to their worst-case signal resistance values. The proposed chart gives somewhat better worst-case ARL and signal resistance values than the competing charts. It also gives better standard ARL performance especially for moderate and large shifts. The effectiveness of our proposed chart is illustrated through an example with simulated data set. Keywords: Adaptive weightingAverage run lengthExponentially weighted moving averageInertiaMultivariate control chartSignal resistanceMathematics Subject Classification: Primary 62P30Secondary 62H99 Acknowledgment The authors greatly appreciate the helpful comments of the Editor and two anonymous referees. Their comments have contributed substantively in the evolution of this article.