During the past 5 years there has been considerable development of turbot (Scophthalmus maximus L.) farming in Galicia (Notthwestern Spain).This development caused a concomitant increase of pathological problems in this species.In this study, the preliminary results of a microbiological survey (comprising bacteria, virus and parasites) in an ongrowing turbot farm are given.The bacteria more frequently isolated belong 10 the genus Vibrio (V.splendidus-V.pelagius), and wirh less frequency to Pseudumonas.Streptococcus and Staphylococcus.Birnaviruses (IPN-like virus) were isolated from only two samples.The flagellate Costia sp., the ciliates Trichodina up.and Cryptocaryon sp.. the microsporidian Tetramicra brevifilum and the cestode Bothriocephalus scorpii all occurred in low prevalence.