Metal transporters regulated by iron can transport a variety of divalent metals, suggesting that iron regulation is important for specificity of iron transport. In plants, the iron-regulated broad-range metal transporter IRT1 is required for uptake of iron into the root epidermis. Functions of other iron-regulated plant metal transporters are not yet established. To deduce novel plant iron transport functions we studied the regulation of four tomato metal transporter genes belonging to the nramp and irt families with respect to environmental and genetic factors influencing iron uptake. We isolated Lenramp1 and Lenramp3 from tomato and demonstrate that these genes encode functional NRAMP metal transporters in yeast, where they were iron-regulated and localized mainly to intracellular vesicles. Lenramp1 and Leirt1 revealed both root-specific expression and up-regulation by iron deficiency, respectively, in contrast to Leirt2 and Lenramp3. Lenramp1 and Leirt1, but not Lenramp3 and Leirt2, were down-regulated in the roots of fer mutant plants deficient in a bHLH gene regulating iron uptake. In chloronerva mutant plants lacking the functional enzyme for synthesis of the plant-specific metal chelator nicotianamine Leirt1 and Lenramp1 were up-regulated despite sufficient iron supply independent of a functional fer gene. Lenramp1 was expressed in the vascular root parenchyma in a similar cellular pattern as the fer gene. However, the fer gene was not sufficient for inducing Lenramp1 and Leirt1 when ectopically expressed. Based on our results, we suggest a novel function for NRAMP1 in mobilizing iron in the vascular parenchyma upon iron deficiency in plants. We discuss fer/nicotianamine synthase-dependent and -independent regulatory pathways for metal transporter gene regulation.