Object. The authors attempted to determine independent predictors that contribute to the recurrence of chronic subdural hematoma (CSDH). Methods. A total of 105 consecutive patients who underwent surgery for CSDH were included in this study. Eleven patients underwent a repeated operation because the CSDH recurred. Univariate and multivariate analyses were performed to assess the relationships among various variables and CSDH recurrence. Finally, four variables were found to be independently associated with the recurrence of CSDH: 1) absence of a multiplicity of hematoma cavities on CT scans; 2) presence of a history of seizure; 3) width of the hematoma; and 4) absence of a history of diabetes mellitus (DM). Conclusions. As previously reported, the width of the hematoma is related to the incidence of CSDH recurrence. In this study, the lack of a multiplicity of hematoma cavities was the favorite predictor of CSDH recurrence. In addition, histories of seizure and no past DM are closely related to the incidence of CSDH recurrence.