This study investigates the coupled band gap and vibration propagation characteristics of elastic waves in a metamaterial elastic double-rod system with attached periodic resonators. We derive the band gap structure and vibration attenuation equations of double-rod structure using the spectral element method, Bloch’s theorem, and the transfer matrix method. The validity of the coupled band gap is confirmed through forced vibration response analysis. Furthermore, we examine the effects of various parameters on the double-rod system, revealing that coupled band gaps exist with the average vibration attenuation rates of −50.23 dB for rod one and −47.87 dB for rod two, respectively. Remarkably, by adjusting the double-rod parameters, both the band gap frequency range and vibration attenuation ability of the coupled band gap can be adjusted to meet specific engineering requirements in low-frequency regions. This research contributes to developing continuous mechanical structures featuring coupled band gaps.