R. Hushein,Thulasidhas Dhilipkumar,Karthik V. Shankar,P. Karuppusamy,Sachin Salunkhe,Raja Venkatesan,Gamal A. Shazly,Alexandre A. Vetcher,Seong‐Cheol Kim
This research aims to use energy harvested from conductive materials to power microelectronic components. The proposed method involves using vibration-based energy harvesting to increase the natural vibration frequency, reduce the need for battery replacement, and minimise chemical waste. Piezoelectric transduction, known for its high-power density and ease of application, has garnered significant attention. Additionally, graphene, a non-piezoelectric material, exhibits good piezoelectric properties. The research explores a novel method of printing graphene material using 3D printing, specifically Direct Ink Writing (DIW) and fused deposition modelling (FDM). Both simulation and experimental techniques were used to analyse energy harvesting. The experimental technique involved using the cantilever beam-based vibration energy harvesting method. The results showed that the DIW-derived 3D-printed prototype achieved a peak power output of 12.2 µW, surpassing the 6.4 µW output of the FDM-derived 3D-printed prototype. Furthermore, the simulation using COMSOL Multiphysics yielded a harvested output of 0.69 µV.