A new species Meconopsis pathakii is describe and illustrated from Dihang Dibang Biosphere Reserve, Arunachal Pradesh, India. The new species belongs to section Aculeatae Fedde. Morphologically it shows resemblance to Meconopsis bijiangensis H. Ohba, Tosh. Yoshida & H. Sun and M. sinuata Prain by its habit, indumentum, sinuate leaf margin, and petals, but differs in brilliant maroon flowers. It also shows closely allied to Meconopsis tibetica Grey-Wilson. in habit and brilliant maroon petal color but differs in stigmas capitate, purplish red, obscurely 4-lobed; inflorescence terminal and axillary raceme, 4–5-flowered. This species is narrowly confined, in a small population comprising about 25 matured individuals in two locations. The threat status of this new species is provisionally assessed here as "Critically Endangered CRB2ab(III); D)".