Abstract The digital information era is experiencing a daily increase in data, making the optimization of forms for data recording and processing an urgent problem. This paper addresses this need by designing intelligent dynamic forms using B/S architecture and adding drag-and-drop designs to optimize the form layout. Dynamic forms are created using virtual tables and displayed on the browser. The reported data in the server is used to calculate the variance to find out the method to make the increase in the data volume of each data table close to the average value and complete the optimized storage of the reported data. Drag-and-drop layout of the form is achieved by clicking and dragging the form components to the form design area using the APIs such as mousedown, mousemove, and mouseup. Dynamic form layout evaluation metrics are established through subjects’ eye movement data and questionnaire results. The drag-and-drop layout designed in this paper can significantly reduce the total gaze time, the number of gaze points, and the number of eye jumps of the subjects, in which the total gaze time is reduced by 29.06% and 26.70% compared with the waterfall and distributed layouts. The operation satisfaction score for the drag-and-drop layout is 80.26, which is a significant improvement from the other two layout methods. The drag-and-drop layout in this paper effectively reduces the cognitive load of users, which is obviously helpful for them to process the relevant data.