Guanyao Xu,Aiqing Yu,Lin Liu
期刊:International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching
[De Gruyter]
Abstract Numerous quantitative studies have investigated how artificial intelligence (AI) impacts the development of second language (L2). While individual studies delve into the effects of AI interventions on L2 learning, a meta-analysis provides a comprehensive evaluation of AI’s effectiveness in second language acquisition (SLA). Despite the growing body of meta-analytical research in AI-assisted language learning, several potential moderators have not been thoroughly investigated in previous meta-analyses. This meta-analysis examines the effectiveness of AI-assisted L2 learning and analyzes factors that can influence the effectiveness. The analysis included 15 studies that involved a total of 2,156 participants and generated 53 effect sizes. After correcting for measurement and sampling error, AI-assisted L2 learning demonstrated a positive large effect with d = 1.167. The Q statistic suggested that the true effect sizes varied significantly across studies, which warranted conducting a theory-based moderator analysis. The results of the moderator analysis revealed that type of AI-assisted interactions was not a significant moderator affecting the effectiveness of AI-assisted L2 learning; AI-assisted L2 learning was more beneficial in developing receptive skills than productive skills; AI technologies excelled at building learners’ vocabulary skills compared to other language skills; the effectiveness of AI-assisted L2 learning was higher in an in-class context than in an out-of-class context; IMALL was more impactful for L2 learning than ICALL; and there was no significant difference in the effectiveness of AI technology intervention for L2 learning between K-12 and college learners.
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